Salvation belongs to the LORD! Jonah 2:9
The purpose of Second Baptist Church, Belton is to glorify God and enjoy His presence forever. (John 17: 1, 2)
The mission of Second Baptist Church is to share the gospel with the world, to develop authentic Christians who embrace the Scriptures as the inerrant, infallible, and timeless Word of God; applying the teachings of Christ in daily living and enjoying the fullness of the Holy Spirit by ministering God's grace to each other in caring and meaningful ways.
To see our membership living out the life of Christ through a commitment to quality relationships, sharing love and compassion for others, ministering to them physically and spiritually through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We have adopted an amended version of the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. We updated a few items that reflect our belief in the sovereignty of God in the salvation of man.
To make disciples for the glory of God!